
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Poison Ivy - More Progress

More work on the "poison ivy" piece.

I wanted to share how I am rendering the fence with all of the mold and character. Instead of using browns I have chosen to use chartreuse and various light green colors along with lavender and purples while throwing in some pinks and peaches for good measure.

The colors are mixing beautifully and giving me the effect I had hoped for. Check out my color mixing blog here if you are interested at all in learning more about mixing colored pencils. Remember, they are translucent and layer very well for color mixing.

"Poison Ivy"
14 x 22"
colored pencil on Stonehenge


  1. Dear Rhonda,
    What a beautiful work!! Thank you for sharing.
    Kind regards, Sadami

  2. Wahoooh excclent tecnic, beautiful Fito

  3. tres interessant, merci

  4. It is beautiful but poison ivy has only three leaves.
