
Monday, March 8, 2010

Meeting Arnold

"Number 9"
16 x 20" oil on canvas
What a great weekend! I can't remember when I've had this much fun with my art! Heady stuff, too. Lots of press, paparazzi, stars and attention.
We artists at "Art at the Arnold" painted our competition piece on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. In that time, we had crowds of people (over 150,000 people attend the Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic) watching us and asking questions. Oh, yeah, and Sly Stallone stopped by and interrupted me for a bit.
Sunday was showtime. The judge had chosen the top twelve pieces for Arnold to view and I was so excited to see that I was included in this group! But we had to wait over an hour to see the Governator, and when he arrived it was with such an entourage (I don't know how people live like this) and greeted and spoke to each of us in the final dozen.
My patron/husband/photographer was kept behind security lines under threat of death or imprisonment and could not get a great shot but here I am talking to Mr. S himself.
No, I didn't win any prizes this year, but I truly hope they do it again and I am able to participate. I had the time of my life. And my 15 minutes of fame. Now I am off to put my head back on straight and get back to work. (Contented sigh......)


  1. Wow Rhonda, that sounds like so much fun. Great oil painting!!

  2. Amazing ART! Best wishes from Romania!

  3. Such excitement, Rhonda! Have you come back down to earth yet? ;) Your painting is the loose, painterly style you used for it.
