
Friday, February 6, 2009

New WIP - Bolivian Lady

Bolivian Lady
Stage 1

Bolivian Lady
Stage 2

Bolivian Lady
Stage 3

This piece is very large for me - it measures 18 x 14". It's pure colored pencil on white Stonehenge paper. If you, too, work in colored pencil, you have an idea of how work intensive this piece is and has been, especially with the background.

As much work as it is, I have enjoyed it- almost feel guilty at times. (Does anyone else feel guilty about loving their work, too?)

I am working from a reference photo I took last year while in Bolivia. I was fascinated by how the women dressed and how they carried everything in their wraps. The Bolivian women are some of the hardest working people I have ever seen. In this piece I hope to capture some of that work-filled life in her face along with her feminity and beauty.

I've been meaning to start one of these large pieces from Bolivia since last year. Maybe because I have my second trip booked for this spring, I felt compelled to begin this drawing. I'm not sure, but it is motivating me to get ready to travel again.
Let me know what you think. Love your comments and suggestions.


  1. I love the way you have that pattern of light playing across her face. This is sure to be a gorgeous piece. And that size - wow. I know what you mean though about spending time working on a piece, I find it very meditative just drawing.

  2. This is a lovely piece. I love her pose and the composition. I can't wait to see what she is wearing. I imagine the fabric will be brightly coloured. Isn't it nice to return to Stonehenge once in a while? For me it is like 'going home'. I look forward to seeing this progress.
