
Friday, October 10, 2008

More New Work

"Morning Stretch"
6 x 8"
colored pencil on canvas

Here is another of my new figurative works on canvas. And for those who left all those wonderful comments on my last post - thank you. My self esteem is greatly improved and, with all my recent BIG LIFE DECISIONS, I really appreciate the boost.

This week I also had a wonderful opportunity to travel to Tennessee to make a presentation to a group of people this week concerning a the orphanage in Bolivia which is near and dear to my heart. We were able show them images of our trip last year and how we are building (physicallly and monetarily) a family home orphanage. They are interested in helping raise funds. Keep that in your thoughts for us that their decision is in our favor (and the orphans).

But, I am not fond of public speaking. Even though I seem to choose career paths that constantly call for it: advertising, owning a Jazzercise francise, and now art. However, making that presentation was a good leap for me; I did very well. Not nervous at all. (I think when you believe deeply about the topic you're discussing, you can just open your mouth and go.) This, too, was good for my self-esteem. All indications seem to point to the fact that my recent decisions may be good ones.

I have also been asked to sit on the Board of Directors of Global Gallery, a fair trade organization and the driving force behind the Bolivian orphanage. Again, another affirmation!

Now I'm getting revved up to teach on a cruise with Ann Kullberg and Gemma Gylling early next month. I so look up to these ladies; they set the bar rather high! So, if you want to get away and escape any of the frenzy surrounding the election, check out the cruise and consider joining us.

Never fear, I am voting early.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the orphanage gets the support it needs! You are so wonderful becoming involved in such a worthy cause. Boy, I wish I could join you on that cruise! Would love to get away....
    Love this piece also. I think working on the black gesso adds such an interesting element to the artwork. You captured the figure so nicely!
