
Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

ACEO Original Colored Pencil Drawing
"Super K"
2.5 x 3.5"

I have been SO busy working lately that I failed to notice that I had missed my one-year anniversary of blogging! My first post was Feb 6, 2007; you can reflect back on it here.

It is not yet complete, but I am working on my goals for 2008 and I do have some good ones this year. I'll share a small one with you now which I think is appropriate for my anniverary post. But first I have a confession to make:

I do not keep sketch books.

There, I've said it. Oh, sure, I've bought many - all shapes, covers style, and sizes. Started several. Just never seem to keep one going. Oh, the shame of it all!

Now, to fix it. (Dr. Phil says you cannot fix what you don't acknowledge...)

Why now, you ask? Well, because I finally think I can do it this time and because I discovered a rather simple, focused way to start.

As many of you, I read other artists blogs almost daily and for so many reasons, but most of all to feel connected to like-minded individuals and to find inspiration in their words and drawings (i.e., they kick butt in the motivation deprtment). One of my favorite new blogs is "Making a Mark", by Katherine Tyrrell. This week she had a wonderful post which included a reference to another blog "Laurelines" (this is how wonderful this blog thing is and how the addiction starts) who keeps a sketchbook on one theme at a time! Voila! Ureka! Now I have somewhere to start. I can DO that. It had always seemed like such a daunting thing before - you know, if you feel like you should, you don't want to? Well now I want to.

So here's my plan: I will start with interiors. That's it, just rooms. (It's still too cold to go outside - that's the next book anyway). But, I'm excited to do this because one of my favorite art professors, Neil Riley, paints some amazing interior scenes. Woo, boy! I think I set my sights really high with that comparison, but you get the idea. We've all gotta start somewhere, so why not aim high?

Ok, here's my other goal (and this one's really scary): I will show you some of my sketches. You won't see all of them, after all, I'll need some privacy to achieve my new goal, but I WILL share from time to time. I promise. (Yikes, what have I done?!)


  1. Glad you are celebrating your Anniversary. It is good to be busy. The CP drawing is just beautiful!

  2. Sorry! I saw your anniversary title. Had no idea you were going to talk about sketchbooks. Once, I had a magnificent set- all were 11" x 14", spiral bound.
    I had almost finished the last one. They included drawings from everywhere. USA- to - Europe. Every nook and cranny was used. Pencils, Graphite, WC, Fountain Pens, roller Balls. Whatever I laid my hands on, or had in my back bag, (called a satchel then). People, places. things, sketch at the beginning of class. I will miss them forever and a Day! But I have new ones. I am enjoying them all over again.
    Sketchbooks are a blessing in disguise.
    Enjoy! every moment.
