
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Memory Key

"Seashell #1"
ACEO Original Colored Pencil Drawing
2.5 x 3.5"
Yesterday, I did my run wearing shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt; today I ran inside on the treadmill. Yesterday: 68 degress; today: 35. Low, low, dark, dark cloud cover. Ohio. Winter. Sigh.
So, to clear the dreariness that was descending, I decided that I will do some small seashell drawings for my next ACEO offereings. I have a nice little seashell collection (doesn't everyone?) which even includes some my parents brought back from their Florida honeymoon, back when Floriday still had seashells. The drawings are from my collection.
While at the ocean every summer, I lay there knowing that in a few short months, it will be dark and cold at home. So I consciously store away as much of the memory of warmth, sun, sand, ocean breeze, drinks with umbrellas, the beach smells and my joy at being there.
These little seashells help me to tap into some of those memories and help me to shake off some of the cold. Ahhh.


  1. I adore sea shells and this one is done beautifully, Rhonda! I agree that they certainly do bring memories of the sea and can brighten a dismal day.

    As I haven't done many art cards, I was wondering what information you put on the back of them? Do you pen the info yourself, or do you print it out and stick it on?

    To date, I have been writing a Card Number, Title, my name and contact details. Should I put a date also?

  2. Living by the "Cold Atlantic Ocean" Just out the door.
    If you go to my google blog you can see the street right outside my window. It is of night, and surprise snow. I will have to put up a new one with the Ocean and warm sun. (, with out the (). I love the sea, I have some wonderful shells. The times I was in florida, I never found any shells. Here I have pictures of the Mollusk crawling on the beach and I have pictures of low tide with the muscles growing on the large rocks.
    We all need memories of warmth, especially with the cold now upon us. I just took a photo of the last Red rose and yellow rose I could find in the neighborhood.

  3. Serena,
    I do sign all info directly onto the back of my cards: title, date, card number and my signature. My belief is that a buyer of art (of any size) wants to see the hand of the artists as much as possible! So sign away.
