
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Difficult Day

As I write this, my son is on his way to boot camp. Godspeed, Ian. I love you.


  1. Ian! Remember the question is always 50-50. Can you answer the question? It is the advise I gave to Captain Killaurin O. Roberts so many years ago.
    It is His Birthday today the 20th of November.
    I do not know where my child is? Somewhere overt there.
    I am sorry! This was not suppose to be Your World, Ian, Killaurin, Shawn, Brilund, George, Kim, Brian, Eddie, all of you wonderful beautiful elegant young Adults.
    ((( Circle of Hugs )))
    Rhonda, was not suppose to be for Mom either or Dad.


  2. Well wishes to Ian for boot camp. How long will he be away, Rhonda?

  3. Thanks for the kind words and support, ladies. Ian will be in boot camp at Fort Jackson until Feb; and I will be there!

  4. Brilund and I just finished Our Thanksgiving meal.
    If I do say so myself, my dishes were better than anything you can purchase outside the home. I have learned how to keep the Turkey Breast moist and deliscious. Home made Apple pie is cooling down.
    Our love to all the Family, and friends with you today.
    Glad to hear you will be at Fort Jackson.
    "I never found enough salt for tails." Maybe the box with the Pink ribbon will do it this time He comes home. (Fat Chance!).

    ((( Circle of Thanksgiving Hugs)))

    I hear peaceful sleeping noise, and Ms Patches is curled up in Her chair. What a Thanksgiving.


  5. Hopefully, the time will pass quickly between now and February. It won't be easy for you or Ian with Christmas almost here too but I'm sure your love and pride in what he's doing will see you through until Feb. It, without doubt, will mean the world to Ian to see you there. :)
