
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Secret Magic

"Blue Sunhat"
ACEO Original Colored Pencil Drawing
2.5 x 3.5"
A couple of months ago, I read The Secret. Yes, I was curious and had to find out what all the buzz was about. It was interesting, thought provoking, and a little too weird for me in some ways. (For those of you who loved the book, my apologies, this is just my opinion.) However, (and I may spoil it for those of you who haven't read it), the basic overall idea is that you have to believe in yourself to achieve more....with a lot more mumbo, jumbo thrown in.
I, like many artists, do tend to doubt my ability to be more, do more, make more, become more notable, get more publicity, get a book deal, win awards, make more sales, etc., etc., etc. So, I did decide to try to apply the principle of positive thinking into each day (not always easy) and to say to self "Why NOT me?" Then I go to work.
Creepy as it sounds, things have been going well for me (I hope I don't ruin it, now); little leads to bigger things, getting information from out of nowhere that's good for me and my art, winning some awards, making some wonderful sales, meeting some influential and inspirational people and more.

Is this a spiritual thing? Maybe. Is it because I am more open? Maybe. Is it because I am working harder to achieve my previous "lofty" goals because I now think it's possible for me to actually achieve them? Probably more likely. Or is it, too, that I finally have the courage to step through doors to opportunities that have always been open to me. Mmmm.
So each day I will continue to try to tell myself "Yes, you can." I think that's all the magic I need.

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