Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Weekend Celebration
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Another Day Older.....
Saturday, August 25, 2007
My OCD Day
One of the many things you do not learn in art school are applicable, logical and practical ways to manage your art business - and there are SO many things to learn. Since much of what I know I have gleaned from other artists, (check out Maggie Stiefvater's blog to laugh and learn), I thought I would share some of my "boring non-art-making crap" that nonetheless, might be helpful to some of you.
Maybe since I had to buy, hunt and gather mass quantities of school supplies for a fourth grader last week, I had my own school supply fever (I'm sure I have OCD, though!) It has been on my To Do list for some time to sort, inventory and reorder colored pencils and now was the time. Fortunately, I had just been to the CPSA Convention and took a class from Linda Lucas Hardy, where I not only learned some great art-making techniques but I also learned some "product manangement" techniques as well.
First of all, I have squirreled away all of my pencil stubs since I started using colored pencils many, many years ago and had them stored in a large plastic container. But (trick from Linda), I decided to glue pieces together to make what I call a pencil "rehab"; and since new colored pencils run $1 or more, I'm sure I've saved myself quite a bit of money. I had tried using other glues before, but they never worked well, but Linda swears by Super Glue Loctite Gel, which I can also say, too, does work.
After working for several hours, here are my "new" pencils. And since I do draw and demo on location frequently, I was also able to put together a 96 piece travelling set (complete with those precious Deco colors!)
At Linda's workshop, I purchased a palette guide - what a great tool! She has done a lot of work to help you compare and categorize your pencils and has included lots of other great tools as well. I highly recommend that, if you use Prismacolor colored pencils and a lot of them, you contact Linda to purchase this guide.
To organize all of my art business needs, I swear by notebooks. I use them for tracking my shows, competitions, finances, sales, inventory, and now my pencils. I put Linda's chart in plastic sleeves and use a fine dry erase marker to track brand new, working and rehabbed pencils. I'm sure this will help me get a handle on what I need and save me some money.
Let me know if you have a unique way of keeping track of your art supplies!