
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Less Talk.....

ACEO Original Colored Pencil Drawing
2.5 x 3.5"
"Time and money spent in helping people to do more for themselves is far better than mere giving." Henry Ford
Besides looking at my work today, I hope you will take a moment and go to the Kiva website and read about the organization and what they do. Amazing, brilliant, simple and something that is WORKING. Be sure to check out the stats on loan repayment history and the media coverage.
Because it's been so easy to say to myself "What can I possibly do?" and become overwhelmed with "negative stuff", I was thrilled to find this opportunity to really make a direct hand to hand difference. So take a moment and check it out.
By the way, I found the Kiva site through Julia's blog "How I Changed the World Today. Check her out, too.


  1. Thank you so much for linking to Kiva - I've browsed their site and will look into it again. What a wonderful idea!

    Oh, and I love your umbrella!

  2. Regula,

    Thanks for your feedback!

