Because my 9 year old son is not in school right now due to an outdated need for summer breaks from school; and because he is grounded from all electronic gadgets for the time being (why do the punishments always affect the punisher, too?); and because he is the one child I have birthed who cannot entertain himself, I spent most of my day answering to the phrase "Mom, can you take me....", "Mom can you fix me....", "Mom, can I...., "Mom?"..... (I told him that tomorrow my name will be "Queen Bee Head Honcho" and not to use "Mom" ever again. See if that fixes things.)
So, in order to create, I am one of those artists who needs a little quiet time and today that just did not happen. But I did surf the web and read a bit about other artists and what they're doing, how they're doing it and got pretty inspired. I'll be back on track soon, I hope.
One of the most fun things I found was a website which shows artists' studios and where they work. I have always loved to see where people live and work and this is an opportunity to peek behind the scenes. Most artists function in what others would find to be too much chaos; but it's nice to see that I am in good company.
I am also very lucky to have my own studio space in our house, which was converted from our "formal living room" we only walked past for 6 years. My husband was aghast when I told him what I was going to do, but after agreeing to put french doors with frosted glass in the entry, he reluctantly agreed. But it has worked out wonderfully and I am very happy. (Lee is smart enough to know that if I am happy, life is good.)
Thought I'd share my studio with you today.

The windows face west, not north, but I'm not complaining.

Control Central: my desk where I control my universe. Right....
However, do note the "I Heart Mom" banner over the door. Priceless.

Saw Bet Borgeson's studio in her book "Colored Pencil for the Serious Beginner" where she kept all of her working colored pencils in jars. Loved it; had to do it.

These are from Bob Burridge who handed them to me in one of his workshops. Loved him, loved the message. Always tell youself "yes". They always hang on my light over my drafting table.

Personal stuff: my running training calendar, personal photos, painting hat and a painting I bought from a local artist who, in spite of have Muscular Dystrophy, creates some wonderful work. He inspires me.

After ripping up the blue carpeting (yikes!), we screwed some MDF boards down and I painted them with some wonderful colors I need to surround myself with when our winters here are too grey. They remind me of the beach in summer.

One of my other hobbies is making jewelry (actually it's just buying and collecting beads, but don't tell Lee) and here's a corner where I do it. We made this long table out of salvaged card drawers from an old Hallmark store and two $10 doors from Home Depot.

More Mom treasures. Who couldn't love a pipecleaner spider?

My view. There is a creek behind those trees. Bliss.