
Monday, May 4, 2009

200 Posts!

8 x 11"
graphite on Stonehenge paper

This is my 200th post since I started blogging in Feb, 2007. Blogging has been very good for me: I've made some fantastic connections with other artists around the world; I've sold some of my art; and I've been asked to teach some classes and workshops both about my work and about getting started on blogging.
But I've found that the most important thing that has come from blogging has proven to be a boost to my credibility as a working artist and one who is committed to her craft. I must say, that because of the positive feedback and interactions with other artists and readers, I have a much stronger feeling of confidence in my work. That is HUGE for anyone who works primarily alone day in and day out. You can only get so many "atta girls" from your family and friends; but those from you guys carry a lot of weight.
Thank you, readers! Wouldn't have made 200 without you.

Friday, May 1, 2009

A Daisy Today

ACEO - 2.5 x 3.5"
colored pencil drawing on wood veneer
This has been a very busy and productive week for me; however, none of the busy-ness included making art. Oh, there were a few jabs at the sketch book, some planning and some creative thinking, but no real time for drawing or painting.
I was only able to get this little ACEO done. I drew it with colored pencils directly onto a small sheet of wood veneer. This is another technique where you can frame the piece without glass. Just a spray of acrylic varnish and its all set.
But I wonder, does the lack of time to make art cause other artists to become as cranky as I have been this week?