
Friday, April 24, 2009

April Virtual Sketch Date

watercolor and colored pencil
on Arches 140 hot pressed paper

I thoroughly enjoyed working on this month's Virtual Sketch Date drawing of a rhododendron from a reference photo provided by Jeanette Jobson. After getting the composition I wanted from cropping, I realized that what appealed to me about the image was that it reminded me of a stained glass window. While wanting to retain that, my goal was also to keep the flower as the focal point and not let the background overwhelm it.

This month, I also decided to work in mixed media with watercolor and colored pencil. Here's my progression:

Step 1 - watercolor wash

Step 2 - First layer of colored pencil. Establishing the dark areas.

Step 3: Second layer of cp. I work all over a drawing at once and build my layers of color. Here I'm still working on layering in the darks and establishing more realistic shapes.

In the final step (above), I've continues to build the color and then began muting some of the background with complimentary color in order to establish foreground and background.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Frequent Sketches

Ooh, boy, I've been busy: cleaning out the studio, moving things around, reorganizing, taking inventory, and just generally doing some spring cleaning.
Because I'm not motivated to make commitments and changes in January when most people do (I just don't have the energy), I wait until spring. This year, not only am I making some much needed physical changes but I've made some much needed new commitments to myself and my work. Here are the biggies:
  1. I've written out my mission statement and have it posted where I read it daily.
  2. I have also posted my list of professional goals where I can read them daily along with their deadlines.
  3. Each goal is broken down into workable steps with each date marked on a goal calendar.
  4. To avoid the inevitable (for me) lag time between finishing a piece and starting a new one, I will strive to have more than one project going at a time. This is also very helpful when I am struggling or bored working on one particular drawing.
  5. I will sketch. I am not committing to a daily schedule, but a frequent one. It's just impossible for me with a young son and so many other commitments to sketch daily. But I have promised myself to try to work on a simple sketch for 30 minutes or less. I plan to share many of these sketches here.
  6. I have made a daily work schedule to block out large chunks of time to commit solely to my artwork. This schedule is then being shared with my family so they can be aware of when I am working.

Making these commitments and cleaning out that studio has given me a new boost toward my work and creativity.

Does anyone else feel the need to "spring clean" to recharge the batteries?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

WIP - VSD for April

April 09 VSD
4 x 6"

This month for the Virtual Sketch Date, I thought I'd try a mixed media piece: watercolor and colored pencil. I love the reference photo sent in by Jeanette Jobson and hope to do it justice. While I want to achieve a more saturated color, I also want to retain some translucence. Hence, the watercolor decision.

This is the first stage with just the watercolor wash; tomorrow I will begin adding colored pencil to the piece. I am working on 140 lb. hot pressed Arches Aquarelle watercolor paper as I like the smooth finish for my pencils.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

First Place!

Here I am basking in the glow of a blue ribbon! My series, "Aging Gracefully", was part of the wonderful "Drawn Together" show put together by the Columbus Colored Pencel Guild.

Here's what the juror, Jim Glover, had to say about this series:
"1st Place: Aging Gracefully/Tucker This series of drawings grew on me with second, third and fourth looks. Well conceived, it is delicately handled with soft edges and well-observed transitions in hue. The dandelions appear to be part of the scene, not cut out and pasted on, which takes great skill to accomplish. Nice job!"

All the work in the show was of drawings (joy!) in any media and there are some incredible works in this show. I am extremely flattered to have been in the show AND to have won first place.

The show is at the beautiful High Road Gallery in Worthington, Ohio and runs through April 26. Hope you can see it.